Thursday 7 January 2010

Go Gabby!!!

I think that you shouldnt have to be skinny to be an actress. HOWEVER, I hope that her confidence does not send the message that it is ok to be this overweight, because it is not. I hope she is on track to a healthier lifestyle,  confidence regardless of your size is fabulous. your heart, liver, and arteries being encased in fat in your 20s, not so much.

All that said  She has a very positive attitude and I’m sure she can be a role model to people who feel less of themselves. Love this chick!! Let’s hear it for the big girls who love themselves! Not everybody is going to be rail thin, and that does NOT define beauty. Beauty and love comes in all sizes, shapes and colors. Gabby, I wish you all the best.


  1. She sure is :)

  2. she had a dimple on her chin lol ... orobo ,....she looks lik a gorrilla...

  3. WHoever the annonymour in the 2nd comment is...should wake up and get a life..they probably typed the comment in their horrible scary dream..ow could you possible compare human with a sure she deff looks more beautifull inside and out than you...and if you're a man...u need to get urself sorted..bimbo( im sure you didnt know that means - Stupid!)


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