Sunday 17 January 2010

Zip Crisis......

Happy Sunday Blogville!!
I went church today and boy was i blessed.....
so i have a question... i was talking to some dude after church and i couldnt help but notice that his zipper was undone ( i dont know how my eyes got there, so dont ask lol) omg it was so uncomfortable, i was battling with myself  if i should tell him or not..... eventually i didnt.

it feels really awkward telling a guy his zip is undone, i mean  I would defently tell my husband. And my kids if they had there zipper down. Im not sure I would tell a stranger.

If you saw a guy with his zipper undone...would you tell him? Let's talk about?


  1. oh i wold tell him right there and then, but try to be nice about it.

  2. New template?

    I'm sure most guys will prefer to know..

  3. @rocnaija
    yh new template...i was gettin bored of the old 1
    do u like?..... i need help in finding decent templates.... nt really ken on this 1...

    @ cerebrally busy
    thankks lol

  4. I love your new template .. I need a new one myself where did U get this one ?

    Hmmm I would tell a guy then laugh with him some guys are proud and would pretend it never happened. I remember a friend did that. Kmt

  5. @ miss flyhigh londonNaijaQueen

    lol thanks for the comment, tbh i got the template from the bloggers page...took a picture from google (lol) and just played around with it

  6. Bored that easily then huh?
    Lemme know what sort of templates you like and I'll send you a couple of links..


post your lovely messages X