Even Celebrities get it wrong SMH what is goin on with Kellys lace wig, what the hell???
When are these disasterous lacefronts going to correct?? Everywhere I go must I see someone looking like a sumo wrestler by the hairline, eurgh...puts me off the more......I women are meant to wear wigs and weaves that look natural on them. I thought that would be the point, especially since you have all that money. And why does the lace have to be like in the middle of her forehead. We all know her hairline doesn’t start there.
I love you kelly, you never get it wrong but c'mon...didnt you check the mirror before you left your house, and yes it is that bad im not exagerating, it looks FAKE!!!
on the plus side i think Kelly was wearing one of the prettiest dresses of the night but her hair wasn’t as good. Still love her she’s still stunning
She looks fab to me.. :/
But then again, I'm not exactly concentrating on hair..
she looks georgeous as per usual...but the hair hmmmm
She looks good ...the hair is OK
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