OK so wots the worst thing that could happen to you on holiday??
i forgot my darn Camera now i have to use my crappy blackberry camera, i feel so gutted mayn, deres alot of scenery i would love to capture on my camera and the BB just doesn't do i for my SMH... its actually a beautifull little country
anyway that aside im having a swirl time, the weather is gorgeous not so the the shopping cause they have like nearly every shop we hae in England...they even got British Homes Stores lol like WTH??? BHS in Malta.... okaaayyy?? lol
I needed this break, back to reality and work this week, but this has motivated me to go on holiday at least two more times this year....
Im thinking of ways to revamp my blog got a few ideas, got offered s job as well because of this blog (defo a miracle coz i dunno wot they saw lol) Praise be to God
Anyways im out blogville, off to the the last bit of my shopping before i leave this country...sad tmes